Thursday, May 31, 2012

Welcome everyone!

Amazingly enough, it’s been a full week since graduation at HKS and Laine and I have officially hit the road on our three-week, cross-country US road trip.  For the next few weeks we’re going to be cruising around the US in her Mazda 6 (painted “Tungsten”, as Laine was quick to point out), seeing the sights of the US, taking lots of pictures and eating at random diners.

I had hoped to do the first kick-off post right after Commencement, but things got a bit too hectic...  Instead, I’m just going to post a few pictures of HKS graduation before moving on to the road trip part.  

For those of you who couldn’t be there, graduation was fantastic, with gorgeous summer weather and a surprisingly funny Commencement address in Latin.  I now know how to say Linsanity in Latin (Linsanissimi).  There were plenty of photo ops, Sodexho's finest lunches and lots of brightly colored inflatable globes that they gave us HKS grads for the ceremony.  I thought it was cute, the Law School students got gavels, the Ed School all held up children’s books and the poor Dentistry students got toothbrushes, of course.  The Divinity students in their halos and wings were hilarious.

But enough about that, here are some Commencement photos!  The full album is here.

Next post: Road Trip! 

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